damon castillo

recorded at anthology in san diego. on california's central coast, the damon castillo band are a local favorite. their upbeat jazz meets pop sound and a genuine enthusiasm for performing together brings life to castillo's words. castillo and rabiah sit down after the band's anthology set and she gets the inside scoop on the stories behind the songs and finds out where laurel lane from their albums title actually is. (17:02)

interviewed by: rabiah
interviewed on: september 15, 2010

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recorded at the casbah in san diego. fronted by le tigre's jd samson, MEN is an audio triad you'll instantly crush on, love and want to keep in your pocket for always. as luck would have it, their debut album 'talk about body' is out february get your players ready! photo: cass bird (15:42)

interviewed by: maryJane
interviewed on: august 31, 2010

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christian letts of edward sharpe and the magnetic

recorded via telephone. a dialed in chat with the guitarist for the magnetic zeros troupe one socal summer afternoon proved to be a conversation with a true creative spirit. here's to having that watermelon whiskey sir, cheers! (22:45)

interviewed by: maryJane
interviewed on: august 26, 2010

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ian peres of wolfmother

recorded at the house of blues in san diego. ian, wolfmother's globe trotting bassist and keyboardist, tells tales of frolicking around with the keys inside abbey road, jams in the works, and the need to be hoity-toity producer-free. (09:43)

interviewed by: tiffany
interviewed on: august 21, 2010

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marcelo radulovich

recorded in encinitas. paloma and davey had a lively summer evening chat with marcelo at his home studio. the discussion turned to crows, caws, squawks, and infomercials as marcelo told them about his other-worldy music making. (44:24)

interviewed by: davey and paloma
interviewed on: july 20, 2010

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meg hutchinson

recorded in the new york city's west village. meg hutchinson sits down with rabiah after a live set. meg shares the stories behind her songs and lets us into the stories behind her songs and answers the question 'what's the harm in being happy?' (23:06)

interviewed by: rabiah
interviewed on: june 27, 2010

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